Description and Date of Effect.
ACH/F. M. {E} = Aircrafthand {general duties},
to be trained as a Flight Mechanic {Engines}.
F M E = Flight Mechanic {Engines}.
F. M. E UT/F. II E = Flight Mechanic {Engines} Under Training Fitter Grade 2 {Engines}.
AC2 F2E = Aircraftman 2 nd Class (Rank). Fitter Grade 2 {Engines} (Trade).
A C 2 (2 entries) = Aircraftman 2 nd Class.
This column contains one or more of the following: ‘V G’ - Very Good, ‘Gd’ - Good, Fair,
‘Ind’ - Indifferent, Bad. Each one could be recorded one or more times, or there could be a
combination (for instance: ‘Gd’, ‘Gd’, or ‘Gd’, ‘VG’ etc).
Trade (job).
U/T F M E = Under Training Flight Mechanic {Engines}.
F. 2. E. = Fitter Grade 2 {Engines}.
A = Skill in Trade.
B = Ability as a Supervisor.
C = Administrative Ability.
Apart from u /t (under training), any of the following could be recorded under A, B or C:
Ex - Exceptional, Supr - Superior, Sat - Satisfactory, Mod - Moderate, Inf - Inferior.
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